    These are very exciting albeit challenging times we are living in right now. As I have spent many years both personally and professionally learning and teaching the art of navigating stressful experiences in a healthy way, I have started this blog as a means of support for those in need of some guidance through the changes happening within their lives and bodies. In the midst of chaos, there is always an opportunity to grow and shift reactive habits into graceful responses. There are simple tools and perhaps an adjustment in perspective that can help anyone journey through difficult circumstances and come out the other side the better for having traveled down that particular path. I invite you to take these steps with me, one breath at a time as we explore together new ways to meet stressful moments and in the process restore the body, mind and spirit to a state of health and well being. I encourage your questions and comments as they will stimulate connection and support for others. With gratitude and love, Sariah

The Magical Mystery Tour

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We are IN the ocean of all this, whatever name we put on it…………hopping from lily pad to lily pad, experiencing….experiencing what is with each movement, each breath….opening, receiving, expiring, exchanging.  Our bodies are the up close experience of the mystery and the journey through illusion.  Science, our mental constructs and explorations continually call us home to this magical mystery tour that is infinite.  Ahhh, infinity….our mind can not let us know that word BUT or AND our hearts can FEEL the experience of it….or at least give us a glimpse, a reference point to remind us when we are stuck in the box;  we can remember that even in the box we are also in the vastness of the infinite;  space and more importantly, FREEDOM is always there even if we only allow ourselves to visit it from the smallness of the lily pad feeling separate floating on IT….still, there is that “opportunity”…that possibility, that awareness, that perhaps we are it all; that the barriers and delineations are a mind’s fabrication.  Continue reading

Broken Glass

broken-glass_~k0488260Glass, seemingly fragil, when broken has sharp edges that can cut to the quick , cause pain and drawbeach glass blood.  Such a mirror can fit all of us at times in our lives and most especially in our teen years when any wounds of early childhood begin to take their toll.  We often have a tendency to judge the younger generation when they act out their pain with anger and self destructive behavior and want to blame and shame them into submission.  When that happens their dysfunctional patterns magnify and entangle them even more as they trip and fall towards adulthood.  What if love were the answer?  Teaching them to love and respect themselves in a world, whether inner or outer, has modelled disrespect, hatred, judgment, anger and so on.  That’s not to say that the plentitude of beauty and love has not been there for them also but rather that for whatever reasons that influence has not been the dominant one.  They are that piece of broken glass in an ocean of emotional waters.  Continue reading

The Gift of Depression

depression picWhen the weight of the world presses down on us we often find ourselves contracted, curling up in the fetal position, sluggish, disinterested in life going on around us.  Sometimes depression strikes us deeply when a crisis arises; other times it is an underlying current that is ever present draining our vitality and feeling like every stroke is fighting against an upstream resistance in the rapid waters of day to day living.  And then there are those very “dark night of the soul” events that take us to the edge of death physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Recognizing of course that these are very devastating, often incapacitating times, depression can also be an opportunity, even a gift to catapult us into a new beginning; a “rebirth” so to speak.  Inherent in the condition,  we stop, pull in, cease functioning in the usual manner;  we are trapped in emotional pendulum swings, reactive to despondent. Chaos speeds up around us; relationships end; our lives and bodies fall apart.  All joy and enthusiasm is gone.  We retreat from “doing” and must hang out in the “being”, exhausting ourselves even more as all energy goes to treading water to keep us afloat.  So, you ask, where is the gift in this experience?  How can it serve me rather than me being a slave to it?  Continue reading

Nature’s Teachers: #4 FIRE

sunlightAwakening to the sun’s rays shining through my window this morning I am reminded of that life giving fire in the sky that mirrors the internal sun within the solar plexus of our own bodies.  Our inner sun, located in the third chakra at the base of the diaphragm allows us to relate to the world as we begin each day sensing the moment and in presence choosing how we want to show up for each encounter and experience.  The element of fire illuminates, warms, and purifies.  We can tune into the qualities of fire to light the way and to give us clarity when we are muddled in confusion.  When we feel the need for nurturing a warm hearth beckons and soothes.  Its counter balance is the raging fire that purifies and burns off all that we are ready to release when the time is right for clearing.  Our inner sun allows us to radiate our light out to the world simply by tuning in and using intention and breath to deliver its brilliance.  With each inhale we oxygenate and fan the ever present flames while each exhale burns off the dross whereever our intention directs it to and continually radiates our light out to the moment before us;  we can give the gift of our light with each breath trusting as long as we are breathing that fire is lit and alive.  Like the sun above our heads, our inner sun keeps shining even on a cloudy day!

 Click on the Breathing Practices Tab for a more in depth guidance through the Fire Breath.